Thursday, April 10, 2014

What a week!

Its the week before spring break and it has been a rough one and if I wasn't looking forward to going on adventures and didn't want to punish myself then the little boy would be grounded to his room for the entire spring break! Not only has boog come down with a horrible attitude he has also gotten the worst report from his teachers ever! 
He ran out of the gated play ground at his school and hid from his teachers they couldn't find him for 15 mins! And then talked ugly to his teacher! So not only did he get in trouble at school he got it when he got home and then again from dad. All the while he claimed he had no idea why he did it. So he continued the evening sitting in his room and thing about what he did. About an hour and a half later he finally came down and told me that he ran away because someone from the other class pushed him down the slide and he didn't want his friends to see him cry. So we talked about why it was wrong (which he knew that he could have gotten hurt or stolen) but I felt it was important that he understood he could have gotten his teachers in trouble- so I left him with the thought that he could have gotten his teachers fired from their job, which would mean no more money, which would mean they couldn't pay for their house or food, and sent him back to his room to think about what he wanted to say in his apology letter to his teacher.
So about 30 mins later he came back down ready to write his letter, he told me what he wanted it to say so I wrote it down so he knew how to spell the words and he wrote it underneath. It took about 30 mins and he did rather well I think! So today we had planned on making him wake up early and take it to school to give to his teacher but unfortunately the universe works against us and we didn't wake up in time to go before hubby had to head to work. So we will just send it in when spring break is over. 
We did end up going to the library to check out Alexander and the terrible horrible no good very bad day! He enjoyed getting his own library card and we also checked out a dinosaur book and a bird book! 

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